Certified Organic Essential Oil Blend
100% Pure Boswellia Carterii, Frereana, Seratta
What's in your medicine cabinet?
Want to take a more natural approach to your health care? Frankincense is a must for your homes basic first aid kit because of it's powerful healing benefits. It has the ability to minimize scarring, as it naturally promotes tissue regeneration and speeds wound healing. It is great for acne, eczema, psoriasis and wrinkles. It is great for oily skin as it has the ability to combat excess sebum on the skin, reduce stretch marks, and helps those with hair loss by encouraging new growth. Thanks to Frankincense essential oil, I have been able to eliminate my over the counter drugs that contain toxins and have negative side effects. I have found that oils heal, where pills just conceal and make your health an even bigger ordeal.
Common Benefits:
Physically and Emotionally Balancing / Reduce Stress & Anxiety / Pain Reliever
Natural Relaxant and Sleep Aid For Insomnia
Soothes Burns / Encourages Healing & Skin Regeneration
Historical Medical / Therapeutic Applications:
Analgesic, Anti-anxiety, Anti-depressant, Anti-fungal, Anti-tumoral, Anti-Infectious, Anti-Inflammatory, Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Carminative, Cicatrizant, Decongestant, Deodorant, Diuretic, Sedative, Vasodilating, Vulnerary